Passed the Microsoft Certified: Fabric Analytics Engineer Associate (DP-600) Exam today. Updated the certification page for this certification.
Got a 700 score, needed a 700 to pass. So got by the skin of my teeth. The exam was just renewed in November, so a lot of my study materials were out of date. Free advice, brush up on your KQL.
Exam was reasonably short: About 57 questions (6 or 7 were on the case study) and the rest of them being multiple choice, no simulations. There was one that was a bit weird as it wanted you to select items in a diagram, just guessed on that one.
Didn't see an option for the Open book, which was there on the AI-102 exam. Not sure if I just missed it, that it is not available for the dp-600 or that is something you only get if you do it at a testing center. Took about 90 minutes. The case study was at the end of exam, so I had to close out of the multiple choice part first.